Graphics in C – Playing with Mouse
Mouse is an integral part of
any computer. You can interact with mouse using C programming language. C
computer language has the ability to interact with hardware.
Before we can start
programming the mouse we need some hardware knowledge and knowledge of some C
language functions and terms. Please go through these things given below-
You all know that the part
of computer where all instructions are executed is called CPU (Central Processing Unit) or simply microprocessor. The microprocessors have their own internal storage
which is used to temporarily hold the data. This internal storage is called registers. The microprocessor moves the
data which is to be processed from memory to a register. After processing the
data, result is returned to memory. Intermediate results too are held in
In the 8086 family of
microprocessors, there are fourteen registers, each with some specific purpose.
These are classified as below-
Purpose Registers:
registers are four in number. These are called data registers too and are used
to temporarily hold the operands and intermediate results of arithmetic and
logical operations. These registers are given below-
AX Accumulator
BX Base
CX Count
DX Data
of the four registers is 16 bits in size and further subdivided and separately
used as two 8-bit registers. The high order 8-bit registers are known as AH,
BH, CH, and DH, and the low order 8-bit registers are known as AL, BL, CL, and
2. Segment Registers:
memory location is referred by two values. One is 16-bit segment value and
second is 16-bit offset within the segment. Specific segments of memory are
identified by segment registers, and offset within a segment are identified by
offset registers. Memory is divided in four segments, hence, there are four
segment registers. These are given below-
CS à This register identifies the code segment,
which contains the program to be executed.
DS à This register refers to the data segment
ES à Refers to extra segment
and ES stores the data used in the
SS à Refers the stack segment
3. Offset Registers :
Five offset registers, which contain the
offset within the segment, are used with the segment registers to refer an
address in memory. These are given below-
IP à The Instruction Pointer,
also called program counter. It contains the offset within the code segment
where the current program is executing. It is used with CS segment register to
track the location of the next instruction to be executed.
SP à Stack Pointer or stack
BP à Base Pointer
two pointers provide the offset within the stack segment
SI à Source Index
DI à Destination Index
registers are used for the general purpose addressing of data.
4. Flags Register:
flag is a flip-flop which indicates some condition produced by the execution of
an instruction or controls the certain operation of EU(Execution Unit). A
16-bit flag register in EU contains nine
1-bit active flags. Seven bits are unused. These flags are divided into two
Conditional Flags:
are set by some conditions generated as a result of the last mathematical or
logical instructions executed. These are given below-
CF à Carry Flag
PF à Parity Flag
AF à Auxiliary Flag
ZF à Zero Flag
SF à Sign Flag
OF à Overflow Flag
Control Flags:
flags are set or reset deliberately to control the operation of the EU. These
are given below-
TF à Trap Flag
IF à Interrupt enable Flag
DF à Direction Flag (string)
An interrupt is a signal to
the microprocessor which tells the microprocessor that its immediate attention
is needed. Whatever task the microprocessor is doing is halted and some other
task for which interruption is occurred is executed.
The signal may be generated
through either hardware or software. For example, if a key is hit, a hardware
interrupt has occurred, and function int86() in C generates a
software interrupt.
for Interrupts:
Every interrupt has a
specific number. For example, on hitting a key on the keyboard, interrupt
number 9 is generated. The 8086 family supports total 256 interrupts, numbered
from 0 to 255.
Functions or Routines:
These functions are present
in memory whenever the computer is on. These functions work directly with the
hardware and peripheral devices and perform some of the system’s most
fundamental tasks, for example, reading data from the disk. Unlike other
functions, ROM-BIOS functions do not
have names. They are called by obtaining their addresses in memory and passing
control to these addresses. How? All
ROM-BIOS functions are invoked through interrupts. Each interrupt
instruction selects a particular address in IVT and passes control to this address in memory. The addresses of
various ROM-BIOS functions are
stored in low area of memory, in Interrupt
Vector Table (IVT). Each address is four bytes long and is in the form of segment:offset.
Unions are the derived data
types, and are used to group a number of different types of variables together.
Unlike structures, a union enables us to treat the same space in memory as a
number of different variables. In other words, in a union, a section of memory
can be treated as a variable of one type at one time, and the same memory
location can be treated as a different variable of different type at another
time. A union can be nested in
another union. A union can have structures too.
These are structures defined
in dos.h file of C language. These structures are used for
storing byte and word registers.
struct BYTEREGS {
unsigned char al, ah, bl, bh;
unsigned char cl, ch, dl, dh;
struct WORDREGS {
unsigned int ax, bx, cx, dx;
unsigned int si, di, cflag, flags;
The union REGS is used to pass information to and
from the function int86(), int86x(),
etc. This has also been defined in dos.h file of C language.
union REGS {
struct WORDREGS x;
struct BYTEREGS h;
This function is used to
make a software interrupt occur.
int int86(int intno, union REGS *inregs,
union REGS *outregs);
Where ‘intno’ is the interrupt number corresponding to the ROM-BIOS function to be invoked, ‘*inregs’ and ‘*outregs’ are the pointers to the union structure variables defined
Syntax for calling this
function is given below-
int86(intno, &inregs, &outregs);
Before executing the
software interrupt, function int86() copies register values
from ‘inregs’ into the registers.
After executing the software
interrupt, this function copies the following-
- current register values to ‘outregs’
status of the carry flag to the ‘x.cflag’ field in ‘outregs’
value of 8086 flags register to the ‘x.flags’ field in ‘outregs’
If the carry flag is set, it
indicates that an error has occurred. ‘inregs’
can point to the same structure that ‘outregs’
point to.
There are so many services
available under every interrupt number. Here we will focus our attention on
mouse. The interrupt number for mouse is ‘33h’
in hexadecimal and ‘51’ in decimal
number system. Anything to be done with mouse is done by these services
available under interrupt number 33h. Some of these services and their tasks
are given below-
: 33h
: 0
Call with AX = 0
AX = 0000 (if mouse driver
is not installed)
AX = FFFFh (if mouse driver
is installed)
BX = number of buttons
- resets mouse to default driver values:
à mouse is positioned to screen center
à mouse cursor is reset and hidden
à no interrupts are enabled (mask = 0)
: 1
Shows mouse pointer
Call with AX = 1
Returns nothing
: 2
Hides mouse pointer
Call with AX = 2
Returns nothing
: 3
Gets mouse position and
button status
Call with AX = 3
Returns BX = Mouse button
status (1=Corresponding button pressed)
Bit 0 à left button is down
Bit 1 à right button is down
Bit 2 à center button is down (if
3-15 à Cleared to 0.
CX = x coordinate
DX = y coordinate
: 4
Set mouse pointer position
Call with AX = 4
CX = x coordinate
DX = y coordinate
Returns nothing
: 5
Gets mouse button press
Call with AX = 5
BX = 0 (Left button)
1 (Right button)
BX = Count of button press
(0-32767). Set to 0 after call
CX = Horizontal position of
last press
DX = Vertical position of
last press
AX = Status
Bit 0à Left button (1 = button is pressed)
Right button (1 = button is pressed)
: 6
Gets mouse button release
Call with AX = 6
BX = 0 (Left button)
1 (Right button)
BX = Count of button releases
Set to 0 after call
CX = Horizontal position at
last release
DX = Vertical position at
last release
AX = Status
Bit 0à Left button (1 = button is pressed)
Bit 1à Right button (1 = button is pressed)
: 7
Sets horizontal limits for
Call with AX = 7
CX = minimum x coordinate
DX = maximum x coordinate
Returns nothing
à Restricts mouse horizontal movement to window
à If min value is greater than max value they are swapped
: 8
Sets vertical limit for
Call with AX = 8
CX = minimum y coordinate
DX = maximum y coordinate
Returns nothing
à Restricts mouse vertical movement to window
à If min value is greater than max value they are swapped
: 9
Sets mouse graphics cursor
Call with AX = 9
BX = horizontal hot spot
(-16 to 16)
CX = vertical hot spot (-16
to 16)
ES : DX = pointer to screen
and cursor masks
Returns nothing
è The image is formed on the screen by first
ANDing the pixels on the screen with the Screen Mask image, then XORing the
pixels on the screen with the Cursor Mask image.
è Bytes
0-7 form the screen mask bitmap
è Bytes
8-F form the cursor mask bitmap
The hot spot is a
term given to the pixel location within the mouse cursor image whose coordinate
on the screen is the same as the position of the mouse cursor. This hot spot
allows us to know where the entire image is located on the screen relative to
the mouse position. Initially, the hot
spot is in the upper-left corner of the default mouse cursor (the arrow).
all you need to know for mouse programming. In the next post you’ll see an
interesting C language program.
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