Graphics in C – Program to Generate Animated Circles
.Generating animation in C programming language is very interesting Here is one more program in C
computer language using animation. This program generates ten concentric
circles bit by bit. To clear the point, please type this program in your
void main()
int gd = DETECT, gm;
int i, j, start = 0, end = 5;
int maxx, maxy, rad = 20;
initgraph(&gd, &gm,
maxx = getmaxx();
maxy = getmaxy();
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
setcolor(random(15) + 1);
for(j = 0; j <= 360; j+=5)
arc(maxx/2, maxy/2, start, end, rad);
start = end;
end += 5;
rad += 20;
outtextxy(maxx/2-50, maxy-20,
"Press any key...");
Compile and execute this
program. You will see ten concentric circles completing the circumference
slowly and one by one in different colors. One circle completes then other
starts. In this manner, ten concentric circles have been created completing
slowly in the outward direction.
In this program, I have
taken two nested ‘for’ loops. Outer ‘for’ loop iterates ten times, hence creates ten circles.
Inner ‘for’ loop is responsible for creating
animation effect.
In the start, outer ‘for’ loop picks a random value for the color, and sets that
In the inner ‘for’ loop, loop variable starts from the value ‘0’ and iterates until its value reaches
‘360 degrees’. It is because of the
fact that a point on the circumference of a circle moves 360 degrees, while
returning on the same point after completing the circle. This variable is
incremented ‘5’ after each
iteration. Function arc() draws an arc of ‘5’ degrees in each iteration. Then,
variable ‘start’ is given the value
of variable ‘end’, and ‘end’ is incremented ‘5’ degrees. This way, circle completes
bit by bit. Function delay() has been used to give a
delay of ‘40’ milliseconds after every arc of 5 degrees, thus giving the effect of animation. After each
iteration, variable ‘rad’(radius of
the circle) is incremented ’20 px’
for forming a bigger circle. Please note
that the coordinates of the centers of the circles do not change, thus forming
concentric circles.
So, this is a very simple
program giving great effect. For the
explanation of the functions and terms I have used in this program, please
refer my previous posts.
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