Graphics in C – Restrict Mouse Pointer in a Window
In the previous post I have
explained the features which are essential to know for mouse programming using
C computer language. Now, here is a simple program, by which you will
understand these concepts better. Please type this program in your editor.
union REGS in, out;
int mousestart();
void showpointer();
void boundpointer(int x1, int y1, int
x2, int y2);
void main()
int gd = DETECT, gm, maxx, maxy, x, y;
initgraph(&gd, &gm,
= getmaxx();
maxy = getmaxy();
rectangle(0, 20, maxx, maxy-20);
setviewport(1, 21, maxx-1, maxy-21, 1);
if(mousestart() == 0)
driver not loaded");
boundpointer(1, 21, maxx-1, maxy-21);
int mousestart()
{ = 0;
int86(0x33, &in, &out);
void showpointer()
{ = 1;
int86(0x33, &in, &out);
void boundpointer(int x1, int y1, int
x2, int y2)
{ = 7; = x1;
in.x.dx = x2;
int86(0x33, &in, &out); = 8; = y1;
in.x.dx = y2;
int86(0x33, &in, &out);
Compile and execute this
program. Output will be a rectangle or window, in which mouse pointer shows up.
Move the mouse pointer. You will see that mouse pointer moves within this
rectangular boundary or box and does not cross the boundaries.
In this program, I have
declared three functions. The task of first function is to check whether mouse
driver is loaded or not. Second function does the task of showing mouse pointer
in a user-defined window. Third function restricts the movement of mouse
pointer in this window. These functions are defined after the function main().
int mousestart();
void showpointer();
void boundpointer(int x1, int y1, int
x2, int y2);
In the start, I have
declared two variables ‘in’ and ‘out’ of type union REGS. I have told you about union REGS in my previous post. Here is a quick revision.
struct BYTEREGS {
unsigned char al, ah, bl, bh;
unsigned char cl, ch, dl, dh;
struct WORDREGS {
unsigned int ax, bx, cx, dx;
unsigned int si, di, cflag, flags;
union REGS {
struct WORDREGS x;
struct BYTEREGS h;
Thus, union REGS is a user-defined data type, which contains two struct WORDREGS and BYTEREGS variables ‘x’ and ‘h’. What is the
use of these union variables, you will see later. These structures and union
are defined in dos.h file.
In the function main(), I have obtained maximum screen coordinates and
stored these in variables ‘maxx’ and ‘maxy’.
maxx = getmaxx();
maxy = getmaxy();
I have drawn a rectangle, in
which mouse pointer will move.
rectangle(0, 20, maxx, maxy-20);
Then, I have defined the user-defined
setviewport(1, 21, maxx-1, maxy-21, 1);
Function setviewport() establishes a new view-port for graphics
void far setviewport(int left, int top,
int right, int bottom, int clip);
Where (left, top) is the upper-left corner, and (right, bottom) is the bottom-right corner of the view-port. The ‘clip’ argument determines whether
drawings are clipped or truncated at the current view-port boundaries. If ‘clip’ is non-zero, all drawings will be
truncated to the current view-port. The current position (C.P.) moves to (0, 0) in
the new window.
Syntax for calling this
function is given below-
setviewport(left, top, right, bottom,
Therefore, whatever you draw
beyond these boundaries, will not be drawn on the screen, because value of ‘clip’ has been given 1.
Now, an ‘if’ construct checks whether mouse driver has been installed
or not. If installed, take further actions, otherwise exit. To check the
availability of mouse driver, a function mousestart() has been called.
int mousestart()
{ = 0;
int86(0x33, &in, &out);
To understand this function,
please recall from the previous post.
Interrupt : 33h
Service : 0
Call with AX = 0
AX = 0000 (if mouse driver is not
AX = FFFFh (if mouse driver is
Thus, in the function mousestart(), I have given the value 0 (service number = 0) to the element ‘ax’
of structure WORDREGS, now ‘x’ is the element of type struct WORDREGS in the union REGS, and ‘in’ is the variable of type union
REGS. To refer ‘ax’, I have given the full notation like this- = 0;
Then, I have called the
function int86() and passed the interrupt
number 33h, and addresses of
variables ‘in’ & ‘out’. After execution, this function returns
the value of register ‘ax’ in the
variable ‘out’. If it is 0, it means driver not loaded. If value
of is FFFFh, it means driver is loaded.
return (;
Now, control returns to
function main(). I assume that mouse driver is loaded. In the function
main(), function boundpointer() is called.
void boundpointer(int x1, int y1, int
x2, int y2)
{ = 7; = x1;
in.x.dx = x2;
int86(0x33, &in, &out); = 8; = y1;
in.x.dx = y2;
int86(0x33, &in, &out);
To understand this function,
please recall the services from the previous post. These are given below-
Service : 7
Sets horizontal limits for pointer
Call with AX = 7
CX = minimum x coordinate
DX = maximum x coordinate
Returns nothing
à Restricts mouse horizontal movement to window
à If min value is greater than max value they are swapped
Service : 8
Sets vertical limit for pointer
Call with AX = 8
CX = minimum y coordinate
DX = maximum y coordinate
Returns nothing
à Restricts mouse vertical movement to window
à If min value is greater than max value they are swapped
Therefore, to restrict the
horizontal movement, we call service 7
under interrupt 33h. = 7;
To give the horizontal
bounds, we have given the values to ‘cx’
and ‘dx’ variables as given below- = x1; // minimum horizontal
in.x.dx = x2; // maximum horizontal
we have called the function int86(). This function takes the
int86(0x33, &in, &out);
The same way, to give the
vertical bounds, we have given the instructions given below- = 8; // for vertical bounds give
service 8 = y1; //minimum vertical bound
in.x.dx = y2; // maximum vertical bound
int86(0x33, &in, &out); //
execute the service
Now, for showing the pointer,
function showpointer() has been called.
void showpointer()
{ = 1;
int86(0x33, &in, &out);
This time, service 1 is executed available under interrupt
33h. Please recall from previous
Service : 1
Shows mouse pointer
Call with AX = 1
Returns nothing
Therefore, this way mouse
pointer is displayed and restricted in the given boundaries. To understand this
program better, please refer my previous post.
You would also like these programs given below:
C Program to draw a line
C Program to draw a circle and a point
C Program to draw different types of ellipses
C Program to draw arc, pie-slice, and rectangle
C Program to draw a polygon
C Program to draw filled polygon, 2-D bar, and 3-D bar
C Program to create the user-defined fill-pattern
C Program to explain different line-styles
C Progarm to explain functions moveto() and lineto()
C Program to explain moverel() and linerel()
C Program to draw an elliptical pie-slice using sector()
C Program to write text in different font styles using settextstyle()
C Program to justify text using settextjustify()
C Program to explain function setusercharsize()
C Program to define palette of colors
C Program to generate captcha code
C Program for moving a ball on screen
C Program for creating animated circles
Playing with mouse using C language
C Program to restrict mouse pointer in a window
C Program for getting the position of mouse pointer
C Program to create a clock
Interrupt Handling With C
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