Graphics in C-Justifying text using function settextjustify()
Here is something more about
text settings in graphics mode. Please type this program in your editor.
void plus(int x, int y);
char *horiz[] = {
char *vert[] = {
void main()
int gd = DETECT, gm, i, j,
midx, midy;
char msg[50];
initgraph(&gd, &gm,
midx = getmaxx()/2;
midy = getmaxy()/2;
plus(midx, midy);
for(i = LEFT_TEXT; i <=
for(j = BOTTOM_TEXT; j
<= TOP_TEXT; j++)
plus(midx, midy);
outtextxy(120, 50,
"(Horizontal justification, Vertical justification)");
settextjustify(i, j);
sprintf(msg, "(%s,
%s)", horiz[i], vert[j]);
outtextxy(midx, midy, msg);
outtextxy(120, 360,
"Press any key...");
void plus(int x, int y)
line(x-100, y, x+100, y);
line(x, y-100, x, y+100);
Compile and execute this
program. The output will be a red big plus or cross sign. This sign I have
created to figure out the text justification. In the center of this cross, text
is being displayed telling the text justification settings, in which this text
has been justified.
In the program, I have
declared the prototype of the function plus(), which I have defined
after the function main(). This prototype is telling that
this function plus() has two integer type parameters
and return type is ‘void’, means
this function returns nothing. I have declared this function outside the function
main(), therefore its scope is global. It will be
accessible throughout the program.
void plus(int x, int y);
I have declared two arrays
of pointers to strings and initialised them with names of constants of text
justification. I will explain these text justification later. You can define these
arrays inside main function too.
char *horiz[] = {
char *vert[] = {
In the function main(), I have obtained the coordinates of the midpoint of
the view port.
midx = getmaxx()/2;
midy = getmaxy()/2;
Then, I have called the user
defined function plus() and passed the coordinates of
this midpoint as arguments.
plus(midx, midy);
This function draws one
horizontal line and one vertical line, intersecting each other thus forming a
big plus sign or cross-hair. This function has been defined after the function main().
void plus(int x, int y)
line(x-100, y, x+100, y);
line(x, y-100, x, y+100);
This program is mainly about
the text justification. For text justification, I have used the function settextjustify(). Function settextjustify()
sets text justification for graphics mode.
void far settextjustify(int horiz, int
where ‘horiz’ is the horizontal justification, and ‘vert’ is the vertical justification.
Syntax for calling this
function is:
settextjustify(horiz, vert);
Text output, after a call to
function settextjustify(), is justified around
the current position(C.P.) horizontally and vertically, as specified.
Function settextjustify() affects text written with function outtext() and function outtextxy(), and can’t be used
with text mode.
The enumerated values and
constant names for horizontal justification and vertical justification are
given below:
Argument Constant Value Meaning
horiz LEFT_TEXT 0 Left justified text
CENTER_TEXT 1 Centered
justified text
vert BOTTOM_TEXT 0 Justified
from bottom
CENTER_TEXT 1 Centered
TOP_TEXT 2 Justified from top
default justification settings are LEFT_TEXT
for ‘horiz’ and TOP_TEXT for ‘vert’.
the program, I have taken two nested ‘for’
loops. Outer ‘for’ loop loops
through values LEFT_TEXT to RIGHT_TEXT. Inner ‘for’ loop loops through values BOTTOM_TEXT
to TOP_TEXT. Counter variables are ‘i’ and ‘j’. In every iteration, function settextjustfy()
sets the horizontal and vertical justification according to the values of i and j.
settextjustify(i, j);
Then, function sprintf() converts the strings ‘horiz[i]’ and ‘vert[j]’
in the specified format and stores them in a single string ‘msg’. Function outtextxy()
outputs this string around the midpoint in the specified horizontal and
vertical justification.
settextjustify(i, j);
sprintf(msg, "(%s, %s)",
horiz[i], vert[j]);
outtextxy(midx, midy, msg);
I have again set the text justification
(LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT) for other
messages on the screen.
settextjustify(LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT);
outtextxy(120, 360, "Press any
On pressing any key, every time
you will see text displayed around the midpoint of the cross hair in different
horizontal and vertical justification.
Now, the demonstration of the
function settextjustify() is completed. For the
explanation of the rest of the functions and terms, please refer my previous
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